Consultant to Conduct Online Gender Training

Closing Date: 
16 Jun 2020
Request for Proposals
Assignment Title
Gender mainstreaming training for the Infrastructure and Development Bank of Zimbabwe (“IDBZ”/“the Bank”) employees.
About IDBZ
The IDBZ is a national Development Finance Institution (DFI) with a mandate on infrastructure development and financing. The IDBZ was established by the Government of Zimbabwe in 2005 through an Act of Parliament, the Infrastructure and Development Bank of Zimbabwe Act [Chapter 24:14], as a successor institution to the then Zimbabwe Development Bank. The IDBZ is at the centre of national efforts to accelerate infrastructure development as an anchor for sustainable and inclusive socio-economic transformation in Zimbabwe. The Bank aims to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment within its operations and in projects developed, financed and implemented by the Bank.
Guided by the Transitional Stabilization Programme (“TSP”), Vision 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”), the Bank primarily focuses on the following high impact sectors which are considered enablers for sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development:
  • Water and Sanitation (dams, water pipelines, water treatment plants, municipal water and sewer projects);
  • Irrigation Infrastructure;
  • Transport (roads, airports, railways, border posts); 
  • Energy (power plants, transmission and distribution grid networks, etc); and
  • Housing (on-site and off-site infrastructure, university and tertiary institutions accommodation etc)
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